Monday, January 20, 2020

Brave New World Essay -- Literary Analysis, Aldous Huxley

Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley and Nineteen Eighty- Four written by George Orwell reveal characters of the future world that have lost freedom due to the loss of valued qualities. Bernard Marx, Lenina Crowne, and Helmholtz Watson compare to the characters in Nineteen Eighty- Four who were ruled under Big Brother. Bernard, Lenina, and Helmholtz disclose the loss of valued traits such as, responsibility, respect, individuality, and the capability of true love. In the future society Bernard, Lenina, and Helmholtz live in, they lack normal responsibilities. Consequences are unheard of. In Nineteen Eighty- Four Winston and other characters had certain responsibilities. They had to attend work and have children which were their â€Å"duties† but, they did not have to worry about normal responsibilities. They simply had no freedom to do as they please. In Brave New World they used a drug called Soma to escape on their â€Å"holiday.† It became a necessity for them. Lenina always sang, â€Å"A gramme is better than a damn† (Huxley 78). They did not know how to function without their escape drug. Society was dependent on Soma, â€Å"The holiday it gave was perfect and, if the morning after was disagreeable, it was so, not intrinsically, but only by comparison with the joys of the holiday. The remedy was to make the holiday continuous† (103). The characters in Brave New World were responsible for their happiness. They did not ever worry about dealing with any kind of consequences for their actions. They simply did as they pleased and took Soma to fix any type of problem. When John does not follow Lenina back to her room after the day they spent together she begins to tear, â€Å"Drying her eyes, Lenina walked across the roof to the lift. On her way dow... ...Still wearing her shoes and socks, and her rakishly titled round white cap, she advanced towards him. â€Å"Darling. Darling! If only you’d said so before!† (131). Lenina was dying to have sex with John. It was the only way she could express her feelings. She did not love John the way he loved her. Lenina was convinced it was the same because, she did not understand what true love was. Due to the lack of freedom and independence the characters in Brave New World do not have valued qualities. Bernard Marx, Lenina Crowne, and Helmholtz Watson lack many qualities that make one human. In Nineteen Eighty- Four society was ruled under a close watch. They also lacked important valued qualities. Bernard, Lenina, and Helmholtz reveal the loss of valued traits such as, responsibility, respect, individuality, and the capability of true love throughout the novel.

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